Sunday, June 12, 2011

Just A Kiss

I have to begin my very first post with a kiss because that is where love and family came to be with us.  It was truly just his kiss that swept me off my feet and I have loved life ever since!!!

 So this is Ricky..."mine eldest teenager".  I had to introduce Ricky with a sport picture because that's all we have of him!  If he's not in football gear, than it would be basketball, or baseball.  The kids lives eats and breathes sports!  I read this quote the other day that made me laugh, it said..."A suburban mother's role is to deliver children obstetrically once, and by car forever after. "  That is my role with Ricky to a "T".  I thoroughly enjoy this life though, there is nothing more rewarding than watching your son hit a home run, or make a winning touch down or being rewarded "mvp" of the year.  I have a huge sense of pride.  I love this kid, and I really love who he has become.  Some day he is going to make an exceptional leader!  (By the way ...Ricky is 14 and he is number "10 in this picture)

This Is Malakai, my 11 year old.  This picture is a couple years old, but I love it because Kai is smiling!!!  If you have ever seen a family picture of the Tuita's....Kai is the only one that is not smiling or half smiling?  And if you know Kai.... he has the most beautiful smile!!!  Kai is a rare gem in our family.  He has a great gift for making our family laugh, he is always entertaining.  He loves to sing dance, and like his brother he is very talented in sports.  The kid is fast, really, really fast!  He has this strange obsession for shoes.....very expensive shoes.  I have a feeling he is going to be a very expensive teenager!
This is Leah Elizabeth.  (doesn't she look like her dad?)  Leah is 7, but acts like she is 13.   She is labeled the drama queen of our family because she always has to be the center of attention.  Her brother's give her a stiff competition in the house, which probably serves her personality.  Leah has great "will power" she loves to be/do the best in everything she does.  This year in her first grade class
they ran a turkey trot and she beat all of the four first grade classes including the boys.  She has a very fun competitive nature.  She loves kisses and hugs and demands them on an hourly basis.....whoever marries Leah is in for a huge treat!!!  She is sugar and spice and everything nice...hehe!

This little girl is my perfect ending.   Josie is four and if I had one wish it would be that she stays four forever! Josie brings sunshine and happiness in our home everyday.  To this day, she still gets at least a million kisses a day from me.  (You think Rick is jealous?)   She is full of the most beautiful compliments ever!  She says things you would never expect to come from a four year old.  My favorite is, "mommy you are the best mommy ever!".  How lucky am I?  She loves to sing and dance, and wants to grow her hair out like Repunzel from "Twisted".  She is a beautiful little girl with a beautiful little spirit.

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